How to Get Fee Discount?

Coinex India
2 min readJan 2, 2021


Method 1: VIP Level

There are various levels for CoinEx VIP members and depending on your VIP level, you will enjoy different fees discount.

1. You can update VIP Level when your CET holding meet the requirements. 2. Based on the snapshots result of CET holding (Holding in the bound non-CoinEx address included) taken at 0:00 (UTC), all VIP Level will be updated at 1:00 (UTC) on a daily basis. 3. VIP fees discount is applicable on top of discount using CET as fees. 4. After the VIP is activated, the discounts will be automatically calculated and applied to your orders. Click VIP Discount for details.

VIP LevelCET HoldingSpot FeesSpot Fees (CET Deduction)Margin Daily InterestPerpetual FeesPerpetual Fees (CET Deduction)VIP0≥ 0 CET0.2000%0.1200%0.1000%Maker 0.0300% Taker 0.0500%Maker 0.0180% Taker 0.0300%VIP1≥ 10,000 CET0.1800%0.1080%0.0900%Maker 0.0280% Taker 0.0480%Maker 0.0168% Taker 0.0276%VIP2≥ 50,000 CET0.1600%0.0960%0.0800%Maker 0.0260% Taker 0.0460%Maker 0.0156% Taker 0.0276%VIP3≥ 200,000 CET0.1400%0.0840%0.0700%Maker 0.0240% Taker 0.0440%Maker 0.0144% Taker 0.0264%VIP4≥ 500,000 CET0.1200%0.0720%0.0600%Maker 0.0220% Taker 0.0420%Maker 0.01320% Taker 0.0252%VIP5≥ 1,000,000 CET0.1000%0.0600%0.0500%Maker 0.0200% Taker 0.0400%Maker 0.0120% Taker 0.0250%

Note: The current VIP level is based on CET holding in the last evaluation. “Use CET as Fees” is not available for the perpetual contract with negative fees. If Taker fees is less than 0.025% after deduction, it will be calculated on the basis of 0.025%.

Method 2: Use CET as Transaction Fees 1. Visit, log in to your CoinEx account and click [Preferences Settings] in the drop-down menu of [Account] on the upper right corner.mceclip0.png

2. Enable [Use CET as Fees].mceclip1.png Note: 1) Once enabled, CET will be deducted to pay for transaction fee (40% off). 2) VIP fees discount is applicable on top of discount using CET as fees. 3) Related article: How to Use CET as Transaction Fees?

Method 3: Bind non-CoinEx address to enjoy VIP fee After binding a non-CoinEx address, you’ll get more competitive rate of being a VIP, as the system will calculate the CET holding amount from both your CoinEx account and non-CoinEx address been added.

Click How to bind a Non-CoinEx address for details.

